The first edition of Move City Sport,
stops at the AlbinoLeffe Stadium.

The first edition of Move City Sport, an exhibition and cultural event dedicated to the world of sport (scheduled in Bergamo on Tuesday 18 and Wednesday 19 October), stops at the AlbinoLeffe Stadium.

The headquarters of the Bluceleste club hosted sports facility planners and an international delegation from the fair, interested in the club's infrastructure developments.

Opening the doors of the AlbinoLeffe Campus in Zanica were the secretary and general manager Simone Farina, the executive manager Arch. Fabrizio Crevena of the Studio Tekn&co of Onore (BG) and Eng. Markus Anesa, stadium project manager.


The event, promoted by Faraone and GEWISS - - heavily involved in the construction of the plant - was organized through a bilingual speech by the three speakers.

After explaining the reasons that prompted U.C. AlbinoLeffe to invest in facilities, the focus shifted to the design evolution of the Stadium as well as its construction steps.

Afterwards, those present were able to visit the grandstand of the new bluceleste house through a short guided tour and appreciate both the maximum visibility guaranteed by the Faraone glass parapets and the avant-garde of the spaces created.